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Residence 1985 Hiding her for almost a year in his grandfather's old cabin, for what he believed to be her own safety, the two form a father-daughter bond. His sense of duty also didn't waiver during their time together, as he would often go to check out Will's condition and help him out as well as scrutinizing the reason behind the abnormal incidents of Hawkins. After an old friend, Joyce Byers, reported that her son, Will, had disappeared mysteriously, Hopper's life became infinitely more complicated. To ensure her safety as well as fear for losing her like his daughter, Hopper placed trip-wires around their location and had no other choice but to prohibit Eleven from leaving the cabin at all. Hopper mentioned to Joyce that his mind would distort him from reality and cause him to see and hear Sara, until he had to make the decision to pack the memories away, or else he would "fall down a hole [he] couldn't get out of". Sara Hopper † (daughter)Eleven (adopted daughter)Unnamed grandfather Behind the dealership was a small transmission shop where a 62 2-door sedan sat. When a protest group came over to the Town Hall to yell at Kline for building the Starcourt Mall - which caused them to lose their jobs - Kline said to Hopper that he had to arrest these people, claiming none of the people were given permission to protest. Despite their differences, Hopper still wants Mike safe, telling him to be careful before the final attack, hinting he does care for Mike and is starting to support his relationship with El. Jim Hopper and Grigori were enemies. They started to soon developed feelings for each other. When this fails due to Mike acting obnoxious, Hopper forces him to intentionally avoid Eleven with false excuses because he believes it's in her best interest. The next day, she leaves the cabin to visit her mother. When Grigori tried to retaliate, Hopper told him he would "see him in hell" before he threw Grigori into the machine, ripping him to shreds and killing him, thus avenging Alexei. When Hopper realized that Mike was in danger for sheltering Eleven, he did not hesitate to find him and come to his rescue at the junkyard. Hopper was Chief of Police in the small, sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana, where he used to live out a carefree existence - yet haunted by a troubled past. While undergoing chemotherapy, Jim often laid in her hospital bed and happily read to her, but would often sit alone in the stairwells of the hospital crying hysterically. "Maybe when this is all said and done, maybe you could help her out too, you know? Hopper was often annoyed with their antics and foolishness, but still allowed them to help him investigate the disappearance of Will Byers and the rotting of the pumpkin fields. After adopting Eleven, Hopper sees a lot of Sara in her. Appears in episodes By the summer of 1985, Hopper became overprotective of El as her love for Mike began to fully erupt. Hopper's empathy for Eleven was the reason why, with the help of Dr. Owens he later took her as his adopted daughter. Finding the perfect real estate closing gifts for every buyer and seller client you work with isn’t easy. Hopper later noticed that Kline was in cahoots with a man in black, and thought it would be good to point out all the other sneaky things his boss did. Affiliation Use of this site is subject to certain Terms Of Use. The typewriter in the first scene between Hopper and Joyce is an. Not only does he rearrange Powell's cards when he arrives at the station, he has a box of gambling chips on his kitchen table; leading the audience to believe he may have an affection for gambling. Smokey Blonde 1942[1] But upon Sara's diagnosis of cancer and ultimate death, Diane and Jim divorced in 1979, causing Jim to move back to his hometown in Hawkins, Indiana, while Diane met a man named Bill and had another child. Hopper threatens to break his boss's finger, until he hears that the visiting criminal came from Starcourt Mall. Eventually, it boils over when Mike becomes too arrogant and Hopper forces Mike to be distant to Eleven, resulting in Eleven not hanging out with Mike, and eventually breaking up, much to Hopper's joy. And you want my advice? Hopper and Joyce have known each other since high school. The two married in 1972, and birthed a child they both loved dearly. You wanna know the worst thing, was when an owl attacked Eleanor Gillespie's head because it thought that her hair was a nest. When driving to Hawkins Lab to close the Gate, Hopper explains to El what a black hole is and that Sara had a picture book about it that she loved. James ''Jim'' Hopper, portrayed by David Harbour, is a major protagonist of Stranger Things.. Hopper was Chief of Police in the small, sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana, where he used to live out a carefree existence - yet haunted by a troubled past.After an old friend, Joyce Byers, reported that her son, Will, had disappeared mysteriously, Hopper's life became infinitely more complicated. Following the massacre at Hawkins Lab, Hopper reunited with Eleven and they closed the Mind Flayer's Gate together. The two would often read together, study science, and play in the park. 41 (season one)42 (season two)43 (season three)44 (season four) Stranger Things Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Also, the plot in the first game revolved around a father trying to find his missing daughter - as opposed to a mother looking for her missing son). In 1985, Hopper is very jealous and protective over Eleven due to the events of their past year and a half of living together. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1718, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, New York City (1972 - 1979)Kamchatka, Russia (1985 -). As he prepares to leave, Diane attempts to call back, only for Jim to rip the cord out of the socket. The pills Hopper takes in the beginning of the series are Tuinal, a popular sedative/anti-anxiety drug that was discontinued in 1991. Smooth White Right-Hand Inswing 3-Lite LowE Classic Craftsman Finished Fiberglass Prehung Front Door Add warmth and elegance to your entryway Add warmth and elegance to your entryway with this stunning MasterPiece Series Fiberglass Entry Door by MP Doors. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. You know what I would give?". It's hinted that Hopper has called her in hopes of getting her back previously, as Diane annoyingly states that she's told him not to call. Now with a shaved head and forced to hard labor, Hopper remains in the Russian camp encountering dangers both human and other. The loss of his daughter and family life left Hopper emotionally reserved and cynical. Local store prices may vary from those displayed. The government, invading the Russian base, used a cover-up story saying the mall burned down, and Jim sacrificed himself to save others with the mall. After this interaction, Alexei was much more cooperative with Hopper and didn't try and provoke him again. Hopper first noticed him at Town Hall while waiting to be met by Mayor Kline. He is soon wrapped into Joyce's antics and soon discovers Russians residing in Hawkins under the newly built Starcourt Mall, with an assassin close behind them. In 1984, as Murray investigated the disappearance of Barbara Holland, he tried to explain his clues and theories about a girl with psychic powers and how there could be Russians in Hawkins. Detective Lucas “Luca” Benedetti […] Jim Hopper Divorced from Diane His death caused the Byers to move out of Hawkins with El by their side. Living together for almost a year, the two formed a father-daughter bond. Portrayed by Despite being the Police Chief, he didn't care about his job, as he regularly slept in and showed up late and had an overall laid back attitude in the office even before the Byers case, and had an indifference to the cases brought to his attention. Eventually, he adopted Eleven as his daughter and took her to the Snow Ball. Diane is Hopper's ex-wife and Sara's mother. Hawkins Police DepartmentDepartment of Energy/Hawkins Lab (formerly) Status After her defeat of the Demogorgon in 1983, it is revealed that Eleven is alive and comes back through a Gate to escape the school. ", Hopper: "I guess we both broke our rules.". Eye color Born Despite this, one thing Hopper kept was the memory of Sara alive, taping an old drawing in his trailer, mentioning her fascination of science to others, and wore her old blue hair tie around his wrist. ", "Bike like this is like a Cadillac to these kids. When Mike took all of his anger out, Hopper stopped and comforted a sobbing Mike, apologizing to him as he realized how wrong he was to keep Eleven hidden. Aliases At the end of the events of Season 2, Hopper adopts Eleven officially as his daughter "Jane". However, in 1985, Hopper and Mike weren't on good terms again, especially when Hopper was irritated with how much time his adopted daughter, Eleven, spends being with Mike. However, Hopper, knowing the truth about Eleven and what really happened to Barbara, dismissed Murray's claims and told him to go home. Just after 1 year and 1 months after the installation , in May of 2020, one of the panels of the shower door shattered over my daughter almost almost killing her. Kline later corporates with Hopper before being released, though choosing his safety over Hopper's, when Grigori threatens him. Eventually the tension between Alexei and Hopper ended with Hopper beating Alexei up after he refused to help them over his Slurpee being a different flavor than what he asked for. Only when Will Byers went missing and it turned out to be a government cover-up did he start caring about doing his job properly, as he had a personal interest in the case. Hopper simply tells her that he doesn't regret any of their marriage. 36 in. Relationship status While Hopper thoroughly cared for Eleven, his decision to prohibit her from leaving the cabin ultimately infuriates her as she became enraged for being continued to be promised to see Mike, even though it had been almost a year. MEMPHIS, Tenn. — There is a big push to get more vaccine shots in the arms of minorities. 1986 When confronting him again at the Hess Farm, Hopper threatened to shoot Grigori, but the Russian hitman did not believe Hopper would do it as he was a policeman. Alive All right? Kline says he also knows Hopper did sneaky things too, and threatens to ruin his life by calling Tom Holloway who ran the newspaper. When El asks where is she, Hopper states that "the black hole got her", and that he's afraid that it'll take her away to, which causes Hopper to apologize for being so strict on her. However, Joyce is forced to close the Gate with Hopper trapped between it, presumably killing him. All Rights Reserved. When Hopper is skeptic of Joyce hearing Will's voice on the phone, she berates him and angrily asks if he wouldn't know his own daughter's voice, surprising him and soon giving him motivation to find Will, not wanting to lose another child. In 1984, Hopper still showed some care for Mike as he asked Eleven if she wanted him to check on Mike, which she refused. ", "You know what I would give? The connection with his boss, Larry Kline hasn't been known too well in 1983 and 1984. Hawkins, Indiana (1942 - 1972 | 1979 - July 1985): Hopper's trailer (1979 - December 1983)Hopper's Cabin (December 1983 - July 1985)New York City (1972 - 1979)Kamchatka, Russia (1985 -) His care for her was so fierce that one day, he got mad at her for putting herself in jeopardy, an act he regretted. Sara was born in April of 1971, and was the apple of Jim's eye. His Character and look is based on Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones and Han Solo. x 80 in. When Hopper and Joyce tried to shut off the Key to the Upside Down at Starcourt Mall, Grigori intervened. Blue Hopper met and discovered Alexei when investigating the Hess Farm. El asks who Sara is, causing Hopper to say that she's "his little girl". Hopper had two police officers who were loyal enough to work with him Phil Callahan and Calvin Powell. The tricky part isn’t figuring out what your client wants (we include that at the end of the article). Eleven and Mike are now a couple with Mike frequently visiting the cabin to spend time with her, much to Hopper's annoyance. That said, if you get it just right, you will not only have a referral source for the next few months, but you could create an evangelist of your services for life. Through the help of Joyce, Murray, and a Russian scientist named Alexei, Hopper joins forces with the Party to destroy a Gate to the Upside Down opened by the Russians. © 2000-2021 Home Depot Product Authority, LLC. Hopper's irritation at how much time Eleven is spending with Mike, who he thinks is bad for her, causes him to try and have a heart-to-heart with the two of them. However, Hopper was manipulated by him, and felt threatened due to being fired. However, Hopper proved him wrong, but Grigori managed to dodge Hopper's gunshot and fought him. Later, Hopper shot Grigori multiple times in a fight at the Fun Fair, but Grigori survived. However, it's been revealed that Hopper had mysteriously been transported alive to Kamchatka, Russia, being withheld in a prison where they feed prisoners to a captured Demogorgon. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. ", Hopper: "I am sorry, for everything. Hopper was friends and acquaintances with Murray Bauman, although the two were sometimes annoyed with each other. Maybe you could help her lead, like, a normal life. And I know you went a little too far this time and you messed up in a big way. Enter … Basic math and attention to detail from information revealed in. Biographical information He also scoffs at Hopper to show he didn't care about the "dead daughter story" and tries to leave the office, before Hopper throws the man into the door, breaking his nose. Hiding in the woods, Hopper had been leaving eggos for her in a lock box until she one day arrives during one of his drops. While Bob and Hopper knew each other since high school and were friends from then, Hopper always trifled Bob for his passive nature, calling him "Bob the Brain". Male Prince Philip's coffin is lowered into the Royal Vault as his funeral service nears its close. Height Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337), Please enter in your email address in the following format: In 1985, Hopper sought Murray's help when he and Joyce captured Russian scientist Alexei, as Hopper knew that Murray knows how to speak in Russian. For a chance? James ''Jim'' Hopper, portrayed by David Harbour, is a major protagonist of Stranger Things. Why don't you stop bleeding those people dry and go home? Need Help? 6'3" (191cm) Meanwhile, he secretly pines for Joyce, who still grieved over her former lover, Bob. Police ChiefHomicide Detective (formerly) HopperChief HopperHopChiefAntique ChariotFat RamboThe American To manage his pain, he regularly drank alcohol, smoked several cigarettes a day and developed an addiction to anti-anxiety drugs. Each medium features a protagonist who experiences a premonition of himself/herself and several others dying in a catastrophic accident, only to escape the event with a handful of other characters moments before it turns into a reality. By the end, Sara could not be saved and sadly passed on, right in front of her devastated parents. They were married in July of 2011 and were delighted with the gift of their … Joyce Byers (best friend/former classmate/love interest)Benny Hammond † (friend)Bob Newby † (former classmate/friend)Powell & Callahan (friends and co-workers)Murray Bauman (friend)Grigori † (enemy)Martin Brenner (enemy)Mike Wheeler (former enemy; friend) They were fairly close, often skipping class to smoke together, even being caught by a teacher on at least one occasion. Age The site navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. When questioning Mike on Will's whereabouts, Hopper ordered Mike and his friends to not go searching for Will, but Mike secretly disobeyed him and started searching for Will. He was a car guy and always had neat hot rods and I was always hanging around the dealership sweeping up in the body shop, cutting weeds, etc. Later, Hopper found Eleven and unbeknownst to everyone, took care of her, even using his cabin to give her a safe place to live in secret. I liked your alien theory a lot better. However, Jim developed a sense of respect for Bob when he put himself in danger in order to help the group escape from the lab, which ultimately leads to Bob's tragic demise. Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From the Upside Down, Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down, Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town, Interview: Actor David Harbour Embraces ‘Stranger Things’, 12 Clever Details You Might've Missed in Stranger Things Season 2,, "I know you do experiments on kidnapped little kids, whose parents' brains you've turned to mush. Date: 30/11/2011 23:07 From: luckycats @ Subject: Family Crest Plaque To: mgreen @ Hello Michael Here is the photo you requested of my daughter Sheila Carideo and her new husband Christopher Cabello with their outstanding double coat of arms which your company made for me. After discovering Eleven and taking her in to his cabin as her new home, Hopper grew to be highly sympathetic and responsible, which was why they quickly formed a father-daughter bond. One where she's not poked and prodded and treated like some kind of lab rat, you know? Hopper and Mike did not get off to a good start. 1984 Hopper would also avoid trying to talk to Alexei until they reached the residence of Murray Bauman, often berating Joyce for trying to communicate with him despite the language barrier. However, Hopper was able to recover, stabbing Grigori's injured shoulder with his thumb. Also, whilst he now allows Eleven to leave the cabin, Hopper gave her a set of rules to stick to, including a curfew, and doesn't allow her to visit places with too many people, such as the Starcourt Mall. Both got close to the gateway machine, with Grigori seemingly on the verge of killing Hopper. LOS ANGELES (AP) — As two police departments in California mourn the loss of their officers — shot and killed in the line of duty in two separate incidents within 24 hours — new details have emerged about the violence that occurred during a week meant to honor law enforcement nationwide. Hopper, who was taken to Hawkins Lab for his injuries, regretted his actions and apologized Eleven for his misbehavior and admitted that he only wanted to protect her, though unaware that she already left. Sometimes, I could be so so...", Eleven: [Both holding their hands] "I have been stupid too. He later acknowledged this and asked her forgiveness. On 2/17/2019 we ordered a shower door through Lowe's. The door was delivered and installed in April of 2019. David Harbour One day, however, Sara began to hyperventilate in the park while she and Jim were playing, and was soon diagnosed with cancer. Instead of making real connections with people, he slept around with several women who he never contacted again. Occupation Hopper was quite hostile towards Alexei for most of their time together, often manhandling him and occasionally physically assaulting him, as well as mockingly referring to him as "Smirnoff" rather than his actual name. Portrayal After being adopted, Eleven was legally able to change her name from Jane Ives to Jane Hopper, though she still prefers Eleven or "El". His license plate number is 98Y5, with the state shield displayed next to the number. After passing through many hardship and challenges, they reunite again to forgive each other and finally close the Mind Flayer's Gate together. ", "You wanna know the worst thing that’s ever happened here in the four years I’ve been working here? They engaged in combat with each other on multiple occasions, with Grigori gaining the upper hand most of time. The name "Gillespie" (from Hopper's quote about the owl) could be a possible reference to the famous Silent Hill franchise (a series that largely focuses on many things - among which: deformed human-like creatures, other worlds and dimensions, as well as a town seemingly in the middle of nowhere and in which strange things happen. After Alexei was killed at the Fun Fair, Hopper realized his death when asking Joyce where he was and looked depressed, despite being hostile towards him. When Hopper approaches the guard at the morgue, the guard is reading. However, when Mike found out that Hopper had been hiding Eleven for nearly an entire year, he became furious with Hopper, blaming him for hiding her as he tried to justify his actions. Diane tearfully tells him she can't do this right now, and Jim simply tells her to say hello to her husband Bill for him before cutting her off by hanging up. After his first fight with Grigori, Hopper realized that his attacker was drove a motorcycle which matched Grigori's appearance who he saw earlier at Town Hall. The blue bracelets around his right wrist are his daughter's hair ribbons--every time he wakes, he looks at them before he does anything else. Diane then asks if he's been drinking, to which Jim initially says no, but soon tells the truth that he has. 1983 Other relations After the pumpkin patches began to rot suddenly, he discovered the corrupted tunnels beneath Hawkins were responsible for it.

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